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제목 | The New Commandment: 1 JOHN

페이지 정보

작성자 |admin 작성일 |24-07-13 17:16 조회 |98회


"새계명 요한일서"의 영문판 "The New Commandment: 1 JOHN" 출간

This title is a life-giving proclamation of Jesus, based on each verse of 1 John. Through this, the author introduces the readers to the living Jesus, who will give complete

forgiveness of sin and true salvation.
He will appear as one of the apostles who has Christ in him and plays the role of Jesus  

in this age, just as preachers and pastors do today.
His word will cause the readers to conceive and, in due course, give birth to the life of Jesus in them. With this new life, we can love our neighbor as ourselves. Live this life.
ISBN: 979-11-85007-02-1


Available at Amazon 




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