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New Title : Fresh Eyes to Read the Bible - Book 2 - The Real Jesus


NAME Admin DATE10-06-19 16:53 VIEW3,650TIME COMMENT0


We are pleased to indroduce the new title 'Fresh Eyes to Read the Bible - Book 2,'
with sub-title 'The Real Jesus.'

Do you believe in the true Jesus?

The Bible says,
“Sell that what you have, and give to the poor,”
“You shall not eat the flesh of swine,”
“Be not drunk with wine,”
“Keep the Sabbath day holy,”
and so on.

Being Christian, you may interpret this literally
and try to do as it says.
But what if the true meaning of these
words is different from what you read?
That is, ‘that what you have’ does not refer to ‘property,’
the ‘flesh of swine’ is not ‘pork,’
‘wine,’ is not ‘alcohol,’ and
‘Sabbath day’ is not ‘a day of the week.’

This book will reveal the true word of God through
the hidden meaning of the Scriptures, which is quite defferent from
the teaching of moral and ethics of man.

The Bible testifies about Jesus (Jn 5:39), therefore,
if your understanding of the Bible is incorrect,
then what you believe about Jesus will be incorrect.
This book is for the believers who eagerly want to  see the real Jesus,
to change their sinful life into His life.

Now is the time for you to think deeply about the Bible
and to meet the real Jesus.

The contents are as follows:

PREFACE  —9   

PART ONE  Morals vs. Word of God 

Morals vs. Word of God, Their Differences  —13 
A Garment Mingled of Linen and Woollen  —19
Keep the Sabbath Day Holy  —28  
The Priests Profane the Sabbath and Are Blameless  —33
Expo Science Park*  —41
You Shall Not Commit Adultery  —45
Sell that You Have, and Give to the Poor  —55
You Shall Not Eat of the Flesh of Swine  —69
Be Not Drunk with Wine  —74
A Certain Taxi Driver*  —80

PART TWO  The Hidden Manna 

A Long Time Under the Law  —87
Cain and Abel  —91
Re-Illumination of Samson  —100
Adultery of David  —112
Traffic Violation in San Francisco*  —129
Blessed is the Man  —136
From Marketplace to Vineyard  —143
Dream of Reaping Grapes*  —154
Martha and Mary  —155
Faith Without Works is Dead  —164
The Unjust Steward  —174
Cannot Serve God and Mammon  —192
Law and Kingdom of God  —200
Trip to Charleston*  —209

PART THREE  The Real Jesus

The Real Jesus  —219
Faith of the Centurion  —226
Unjust Judge and Widow  —240
Daybreak Prayer and A Traffic Accident*  —250
A Certain Nobleman and Ten Minas  —255
One Sows and Another Reaps  —272
My Time is Not Yet Come: but Your Time is Always Ready —280
Boy that I Met in Orlando*  —287
Go, and Sin No More  —291

Finishing This Book... —303

* Mark shows testimonies. 

Perfect bound  6 in x 9 in
Page Count 308

We hope all of us would meet Jesus of the here and now.
May God bless you all.



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